Becvar, W: Larimar (englische Ausgabe)

The System of Symbolic Forces of Sirius B

Von:Becvar, Wolfgang

ISBN: 9783902280107

ISBN-10: 3902280107

Artikelnummer: 12894441

Limarutti Verlag,

Kt ,2010 ,264 Seiten

Sofort lieferbar

Verkaufspreis: 20,00 €

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Larimar is the name of a system of symbolic forces from the field of 'free energies' which were transmitted to us by our stellar brothers and sisters on Sirius B. The forces are designed to assist us with the continuous process of transformation on our planet. This book describes all the sym-bols of Larimar that are known to us and explains their practical application. We hope the symbolic forces will become valuable companions who will promote the development of your personality on your journey through life!

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