Blackman, M: Pig Heart Boy

Von:Blackman, Malorie

ISBN: 9780552551663

ISBN-10: 055255166X

Artikelnummer: 745955

Lieferantenbestellnummer: 5744083

Transworld Publ. Ltd UK,Random House Children's,

Kt ,2004 ,224 Seiten

Lieferbar in 6 Tagen.

Verkaufspreis: 9,00 €

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You're thirteen. All you want is a normal life. But most normal kids don't need heart transplants.

So there's this doctor. He says there's a chance for you. But he also says it's experimental, controversial and risky. And it's never been done before.

Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal, this is a powerful, thought-provoking story from the award-winning Malorie Blackman.

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