Boyd, W: Longing

Von:Boyd, William

ISBN: 9781472517456

ISBN-10: 1472517458

Artikelnummer: 1430211

Lieferantenbestellnummer: 6519172

Bloomsbury UK,Bloomsbury Academic,

Kt ,2013 ,74 Seiten

Lieferbar in 10 Tagen.

Verkaufspreis: 12,49 €

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All things pass - is this your philosophy? Is there no room for love in your philosophy of life?

Renowned and best-selling novelist William Boyd, CBE, adapts two Chekhov short stories, A Visit to Friends and My Life, to weave a comic tale about nineteenth-century Russian provincial life, both familiar and unfamiliar.

When Kolia is invited to visit his oldest friends on their Estate in the country he anticipates a pleasant break from Moscow life. But as the comedy of provincial life plays out around him, he finds himself adrift in a miasma of false expectations, missed opportunities, and unspoken passions.

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