Busmann, J: Chefsache Mandantenakquisition

Erfolgreiche Akquisestrategien für Anwälte

Von:Busmann, Johanna

ISBN: 9783110293623

ISBN-10: 3110293625

Artikelnummer: 1211955

Lieferantenbestellnummer: 4182766

Gruyter, Walter de GmbH,De Gruyter,

Geb ,2012 ,521 Seiten

Lieferbar in 1 Tagen.

Verkaufspreis: 79,95 €

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Open publication Attorneys need to function as entrepreneurs from the day they gain admittance to the bar. Yet lawyers do not learn about client acquisition during their studies, even though it is an essential part of their future career. Most attorneys experience client acquisition as time-consuming and complex, as contingent upon talent and chance, as a tedious obligation, or as a form of door-to-door salesmanship. This volume provides a structured system for client acquisition that is subordinate to your firm's objectives.

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