David, K: Disconnect

Lektüre inkl. Extras für Smartphone + Tablet

Von:David, Keren

ISBN: 9783125776432

ISBN-10: 3125776430

Artikelnummer: 16762301

Lieferantenbestellnummer: 577643

Klett Sprachen GmbH,

Kt ,2020

Kurzfristig nicht lieferbar

Verkaufspreis: 8,50 €

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Esther and her friends are presented with a challenge: to give up their smart phones for six weeks. Everybody who successfully manages the 'Disconnect' will be given £ 1,000 as a reward.

Seriously? Can you even survive a day without chatting to your friends, getting likes and knowing what is happening and what people are saying about each other?

And what are the ultimate motives of the billionaire Dame Irene Irvine, who has started this challenge? Is she truly interested in doing something about the kids' media 'addiction', or is she only driven by economic interests? Esther is about to find out.

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