Do You Want to Be Normal or Happy?

Making a new beginning in linving an loving

Von:Betz, Robert

ISBN: 9783942581349

Artikelnummer: 1406040

Lieferantenbestellnummer: 53100-3

Roberto & Philippo Verlag,

Kt ,2013

Lieferbar in 4 Tagen.

Verkaufspreis: 11,90 €

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Der Bestseller »Willst du normal sein oder glücklich?« liegt nun endlich auch erstmals in englischer Sprache vor!

Decide in Favor of Your Own Uniqueness! How often do you have the feeling of missing out on your true life? Are you caught up in an inner compulsion to conform to other people's expectations instead of making your own life a wonderful adventure?

This inspiring book encourages you to leave the well-worn paths of your "normal" life behind and to embark upon the path of the heart instead: one of courage, joy, success, and authenticity. Robert Betz, a psychologist and bestselling author, shows how this new, truly fulfilling life can finally become a reality.

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