European Perspectives on Taiwan

Von:Damm, Jens;Lim, Paul

ISBN: 9783531185804

ISBN-10: 3531185802

Artikelnummer: 1007963

Lieferantenbestellnummer: 5105641

VS Verlag für Sozialw.,

Kt ,2012 ,257 Seiten

Lieferbar in 1 Tagen.

Verkaufspreis: 74,89 €

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The initiative and leadership for this edited volume came from the European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS) based in Brussels. The book discusses questions related to the different European perspectives on Taiwan in various fields, asking, in particular: How has the European Union dealt with the unsolved status of the Republic of China on Taiwan? In which ways has Europe been seen as a model for Taiwan's transformation, and, does the example of the EU offer any lessons for cross-Strait integration? Furthermore, the authors, well-known specialists drawn from disciplines, such as, economics, political science, international law, history, and cultural studies, are equally interested in Taiwan's perspectives on Europe and in the historical relationship between Taiwan and Europe.

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