Faulkner, C: Signs

Decode the Stars, Reframe Your Life

Von:Faulkner, Carolyne

ISBN: 9780241307557

ISBN-10: 0241307554

Artikelnummer: 16979988

Lieferantenbestellnummer: 8203318

Penguin Books Ltd (UK),

Geb ,2017

Lieferbar in 1 Tagen.

Verkaufspreis: 14,50 €

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Carolyne Faulkner is the in-house astrologer at the Soho House Group and regularly holds events in their houses around the world. She has over two hundred regular one-to-one clients, and held a clinic at Harrods Urban Retreat. She created her own approach to astrology, Dynamic Astrology, which uses the stars as a life-coaching framework.

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