Gates, B: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster

The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need

Von:Gates, Bill

ISBN: 9780241448304

ISBN-10: 0241448301

Artikelnummer: 16922037

Lieferantenbestellnummer: 476280

Penguin Books Ltd (UK),

Geb ,2021

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Verkaufspreis: 22,50 €

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Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, shares what he has learnt in over a decade of studying climate change and investing in innovations to address climate problems. He explains how the world can work to build the tools it needs to get to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions - investing in research, inventing new technologies and deploying them quickly at a large scale. Gates is optimistic that the world can prevent the worst impacts of the climate crisis. This is a visionary and inspiring book by one of the world's most celebrated public figures.

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