Resonanz und Lebensqualität

Weltbeziehungen in Zeiten der Digitalisierung. Pädagogische Perspektiven

Von:Hübner, Edwin;Weiss, Leonhard

ISBN: 9783847423744

ISBN-10: 3847423746

Artikelnummer: 16624976

Lieferantenbestellnummer: 11321


Kt ,2020

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Verkaufspreis: 55,00 €

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Today, children and teenagers grow up with digital and virtual content in many areas of life. How can education react to this? What does an education look like that contributes to the quality of life of young people in 'digital times'? - these questions are the focus of the book. Hartmut Rosa's resonance theory is the point of reference for many of the contributions, and its pedagogical relevance is also questioned.

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