Schlippe, A: Lehrb. der systemischen Therapie 1

Das Grundlagenwissen

Von:Schlippe, Arist von;Schweitzer, Jochen

ISBN: 9783525401859

ISBN-10: 352540185X

Artikelnummer: 1118388

Lieferantenbestellnummer: 9271830

Vandenhoeck + Ruprecht Gm,Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,

Geb ,2012 ,496 Seiten

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Verkaufspreis: 45,00 €

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This is a revised edition of the classical text on systemic thought. A total of 10 of the 22 chapters were completely rewritten, and the other 12 were revised. This is a textbook par excellence: a detailed look at basic theory, with many practical examples taken from the everyday experiences of the readers in their own contexts of psychotherapy, counseling, social work, coaching and organizational development.Since its initial publication in 1996, this volume has not experienced a radical change in paradigms, albeit a great number of innovations have occurred in methodology and the relevant settings. Systemic therapy and counseling has now been integrated into many new fields, has developed a number of responses to new problems and has become concerned with interacting with basic research in therapy and counseling approaches. Also, it has managed to sideskirt the usual internal debates. The authors present a broadly based and well-integrated picture of systemic therapy and counseling. They have also expanded the role of new innovations and methods derived from the English-language literature. This book is required reading for both students and practitioners in healthcare, social work, education and pastoral care as well as for persons who work in or with management and business consultation.

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