Shakespeare on Stage/Hamlet SB

Hamlet in Excerpts: Schulbuch

Von:Quabeck, Franziska;Gocke, Rainer

ISBN: 9783140402606

ISBN-10: 3140402600

Artikelnummer: 13022123

Schoeningh Verlag Im,

Geh ,2013 ,70 Seiten

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Verkaufspreis: 10,95 €

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For more than 400 years the tragedy of Hamlet has been among Shakespeare's most popular and most performed plays, abounding in timeless themes, such as crime and punishment, death and revenge, generation conflicts, spying, intrigues, false appearances, real and pretended madness.
The present edition contains about one quarter of the complete text, showing all major characters in crucial dramatic situations and concentrating on the most memorable passages of this outstanding play.

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