Siebert, H: Methoden für die Bildungsarbeit

Leitfaden für aktivierendes Lehren

Von:Siebert, Horst

ISBN: 9783763919932

ISBN-10: 3763919937

Artikelnummer: 686561

Lieferantenbestellnummer: 2396319

Bertelsmann W.,wbv Media GmbH,

Kt ,2010 ,170 Seiten

Kurzfristig nicht lieferbar

Verkaufspreis: 19,90 €

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This book provides course leaders with a wide spectrum of methods for the planning and design of adult education courses. The book is arranged according to the most important action fields and concentrates above all on activating and subject-oriented methods that take into particular account the participants' competencies and resources. The guide gives course leaders in adult education not only a basic orientation but also a great number of ideas for the instant implementation and design of teaching and learning processes. The fourth edition of this standard work has been completely revised. In addition, there is a collection of practical checklists that can be downloaded from the Internet.

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