Staudinger BGB §§ 883-902

Von:Gursky, Karl-Heinz

ISBN: 9783805910682

ISBN-10: 3805910681

Artikelnummer: 11094373

Gruyter, Walter de GmbH,deGruyter Sellier,

Geb ,2008 ,826 Seiten

Lieferbar in 1 Tagen.

Verkaufspreis: 319,00 €

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The new edition of the sections 883-902 (General Law of Real Property 2) takes into full account the current developments in the judicature and academia and critically comments on the solutions provided: emphasis is placed on the field of registration of priority notices (sections 883 - 888).

The commentary discusses in particular the decision of the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) NJW 2008, page 578. According to this decision, the extension of the priority notice requires merely an additional assent and not a supplementary registration.

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