
Von:Foreman, Michael

ISBN: 9781849392198

ISBN-10: 1849392196

Artikelnummer: 952543

Lieferantenbestellnummer: 7769229

Transworld Publ. Ltd UK,Random House Children's,

Kt ,2011 ,32 Seiten

Lieferbar in 6 Tagen.

Verkaufspreis: 7,99 €

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Another rip-roaring tale from this multi-award winning author and illustrator. Little Frank lives in Pond City, where life among the lilies couldn't be better... during the day, that is. At night time the pond folk quiver in their slippery skins as slimy bug-eyed monsters emerge from the watery underworld. One night, their dastardly deeds go too far, and Little Frank decides enough is enough. Can he stop the creepy crooks once and for all?

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