The Color of Water

A Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother

Von:McBride, James

ISBN: 9780747538325

ISBN-10: 0747538328

Artikelnummer: 5057574

Lieferantenbestellnummer: 5057574

Bloomsbury UK,

Kt ,2005 ,228 Seiten

Lieferbar in 10 Tagen.

Verkaufspreis: 10,99 €

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As a boy in Brooklyn s Red Hook projects, James McBride knew his mother was different. But when he asked about it, she d simply say I`m light-skinned. Later he wondered if he was different too, and asked his mother if he was black or white. You re a human being, she snapped. Educate yourself or you`ll be a nobody! And when James asked what colour God was, she said God is the colour of water. As an adult, McBride finally persuaded his mother to tell her story - the story of a rabbi`s daughter, born in Poland and raised in the South, who fled to Harlem, married a black man, founded a Baptist church, and put twelve children through college.

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