The Private Papers of Eastern Jewel

Von:Lindley, Maureen

ISBN: 9780747596264

ISBN-10: 0747596263

Artikelnummer: 1405055

Lieferantenbestellnummer: 4781880

Bloomsbury UK,

Kt ,2013 ,288 Seiten

Lieferbar in 10 Tagen.

Verkaufspreis: 8,70 €

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Peking, 1914. Eight-year-old Eastern Jewel peers from behind a screen as her father, Prince Su makes love to a servant girl. Caught spying by her thirteenth sister, Eastern Jewel's sexual curiosity sees her banished to live with distant relatives in Tokyo, then forced into a passionless marriage in freezing Mongolia. Increasingly isolated, at night she is plagued by disturbing fantasies and unsettling dreams. But she refuses to be pinned down by anyone - least of all a man - and in the dazzling city of Shanghai she puts her thrill-seeking nature to work spying for the Japanese, spurning everything she once held dear...

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