The Source Code


ISBN: 9782923654256

Artikelnummer: 15884136

Lieferantenbestellnummer: 654256

UCM Verlag,

Lieferbar in 1 Tagen.

Verkaufspreis: 29,00 €

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A BOOK PRESENTING THE + AND THE - OF EACH SYMBOL The Dictionary, Dreams-Signs-Symbols, The Source Code, helps us discover, in great depth, over 892 pages, the most common words in dreams and signs. Each word is analyzed in detail with its physical and metaphysical characteristics, and a synthesis defining the + and the - of each symbol is included. This provides the reader with an analytical, understandable vision of the various different possible interpretations. Just one word may occupy 2 or 3 explanatory pages, which makes this Dictionary very complete from all points of view. Readers will also find a detailed introduction explaining dream mechanics as well as the multiple angles and subtleties of dream and sign interpretation. This book, destined for the general public as well as doctors, psychoanalysts, psychologists and therapists, offers a new vision and is sure to become a reference in this field. Kaya shares with us that through dreams, we enter the very heart of our memories, our potential, and the probabilities of what we may become. We also understand that both the metaphysical reality of dreams and the physical reality of signs, help us become aware of the fact that we continually experiment the positive and negative aspects of life in order to obtain teachings and our apprenticeships.

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