
Von:Wandtke, Artur-Axel;Dietz, Claire;Wöhrn, Kirsten-Inger;Schunke, Sebastian;Kauert, Michael

ISBN: 9783110401233

ISBN-10: 3110401231

Artikelnummer: 13556865

Gruyter, Walter de GmbH,

Kt ,2016 ,596 Seiten

Lieferbar in 1 Tagen.

Verkaufspreis: 41,95 €

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The textbook uses a three-stage didactic model to develop and expand the reader's knowledge of copyright law. It covers current issues in copyright law with consideration of case law from the European Court of Justice, the German Constitutional Court and the German Federal Court of Justice. The textbook is intended for students in advanced training and specialist attorneys as well as practitioners in the field of copyright law.

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