Zusak, M: Underdogs

Von:Zusak, Markus

ISBN: 9781849416993

ISBN-10: 1849416990

Artikelnummer: 1060747

Lieferantenbestellnummer: 9377123

Transworld Publ. Ltd UK,Random House Children's,

Kt ,2013 ,256 Seiten

Lieferbar in 6 Tagen.

Verkaufspreis: 10,50 €

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My name's Cameron Wolfe. I have a little bit of sense. I don't have much sense. My older brother Ruben gets me into plenty of trouble. I get Rube into as much trouble as he gets me into. I have a family, yes, that doesn't really function without tomato sauce. That's me.
Cameron and Ruben Wolfe are brothers. They spend most of their time throwing one-handed boxing matches (they only have the one pair of gloves) and plotting to rob the local dentists. But what Cameron really wants is to meet a girl - a real girl, not like the ones in the lingerie magazines. But who could ever love an underdog like Cameron Wolfe?

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